An interesting doodle I made. There is no meaning too it, it's just a picture of a very exaggerated hip movement.
Not much is new. I did, however, join the Flash Regs Collab, on Newgrounds. You partner up, and you create a mini-game and a little intro and outro to it. All the mini-games are compiled into one massive game/movie.
I'm thinking about making a really quick little game right now because I haven't submitted anything for a while. But don't worry all my other projects WILL eventually be completed.
Jun 24, 2007
Pelvic Thrust
Jun 20, 2007
Awesome Stop Motion
If you are looking for some really cool stop motion animations. Check out:
-Creature Comforts
-Robot Chicken (some violence)
Creature comforts was originally made by Nick Park, the same guy who made Wallace and Gromit. Most of the voices are just from random British people who they interviewed. My uncle introduced me to this very entertaining show. People of all ages can watch it.
Robot Chicken is mostly for teens and up. I think it's hilarious. It's quite random which, as you can see from my cartoons, I love. Parodies are always awesome.
Grapple Game by Supa-Monky
You can check out the game Supa-Monky made here.
Stuff I did in it:
-Splat sounds
-Guy animations
-Brain bits
It's an unfinished version, but it still rocks.
I'm thinking about scanning a storyboard for my new flash idea into the computer and posting it here, but I'm not sure yet. I don't want to give away too much. Also if I don't complete it I don't won't to disappoint anyone.
That's all for now.
Jun 17, 2007
Here is a little bit about the Hector doodle.
He is constantly made fun of by the octopi, because he was born with only 5 tentacles. This is the reason for his sadness, and you make him sadder by laughing at him. So don't. You can help Hector by Subscribing to Pillowbasher :D.
Anyway, I'll be putting up a new doodle in about a week, and I'll try to post daily and tell you what's new. Right now I've created a little storyboard for a new flash (with a plot this time). I won't say what it's about yet, but I'll be sure to post some screenshots when I get something done. The game is still coming along.
Jun 16, 2007
Game Menu
I made this pretty cool game menu for Supa-Monky
I thought it was pretty nice, and I had fun making it. So if anyone else needs menus, graphics or anything done, I'd be happy too. I'm also doing some sound effects.
Jun 15, 2007
Quick Update
Not much is new, I just thought I'd make a quick post to tell you what's going on.
As I may have said before, Supa-Monky is helping me out with some enemy AI for my game. As you can see, from his gallery, he is an awesome actionscripter. Hopefully I'll get some levels finished and I'll finish the game soon.
I really want to start making flash movies WITH plots. If anyone has some tips on how to concentrate and stick to working on something for more than 5 minutes please help! Of course the movies I will make will be random, but I want a basic storyline.
I'll have a new doodle soon.
-PB •ิ_•ิ
Jun 9, 2007
Black and White Collab 3
I decided to squeeze in some time to do a short part for the Third Black and White Collab. My part is really short as you can see, but I had fun doing it.
Vote 5 :D
I'll try to work on my game more often, but right now I have exams coming up, and I also have a part time job. Just be patient and I'll have new stuff before you know it. Once exams are over I'll be able to put most of my time into flash and bass.
I don't have much else to say... Just subscribe to Pillowbasher to get the latest news and updates.
Jun 7, 2007
Subscibe to Pillowbasher

Hey! You can now be informed of the latest Pillowbasher news by just subscribing
You can also add Pillowbasher news to your customized google homepage
I'll be adding more news now because it'll be easier to update. So keep checking for more updates and flashes!
Jun 4, 2007
Summary of what you've missed

Sorry for not updating for so long, I'll try to sum up everything that's been going on.
The game hasn't really gone anywhere, but I'm still doing my best to find sometime to work on it. There have been quite a few top down shooters being submitted to Newgrounds lately, and I don't want to seem like I'm copying anyone.
The Trendy Collab was submitted a little while ago, and it was awarded the Daily 3rd Place award.
You can view the whole thing HERE, or you can view just my part HERE.
The Black and White Collab will be done soon, and I entered a really short part, so I'll keep you posted when it gets submitted.
I've been working on random little animations as usual, but nothing long enough to be a movie. I may do a thing at the end of the year like Xperimental Xperimentation, where I compile all my unfinished flashes into one massive movie.
I'm doing stuff for the Loneliest number collab, but I'm probably not going to have that big of a part in it.
Sam, an awesome programmer, is helping me out with some of the code in my game, but he is also pretty busy with his super cool physics engine.
You can view all his stuff HERE.
I think I got everything, if not I'll post again.